Cogeneration units


High efficiency (over 90%), low noise level, compact device and simple use and maintenance are the main characteristics of this new micro-cogeneration device called “Ekowatt”.

It can be used as a monovalent room heating system, however, it is more commonly used in a bivalent system which, besides room heating, also provides hot domestic water.

Ekovit-Toplotne črpalke za stanovanjsko rabo, industrijske toplotne črpalke, kogeneracijske naprave, klimatske naprave-ekowatt41


– Natural gas or LPG (liquefied petroleum gas)
– High thermal efficiency
– Clean exhaust

Ekovit-Toplotne črpalke za stanovanjsko rabo, industrijske toplotne črpalke, kogeneracijske naprave, klimatske naprave-kogeneracijske-naprave


– Diesel fuel
– For structures with no natural gas infrastructure
– High electrical efficiency

- 4-stroke water-cooled internal combustion gas engine
- Three-phase asynchronous generator
- Exhaust gas heat exchanger
- Sound-insulated housing

Browse through the EKOWATT catalogue


Cogeneration is joint production of electric (and/or mechanic) energy and useful heat energy in a single process from the same source of primary energy. It comprises several technologies, however, it always includes an electricity generator and a heat recuperation system. Cogeneration is significantly more efficient in turning primary energy into electric energy and useful heat energy than separate production of electric energy and useful heat.
By-product of cogeneration devices intended to heat buildings is electricity which the state buys on the basis of the Decree on support of electricity generated from high-efficiency cogeneration of heat and electricity published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia No. 37/2009.
Benefits of cogeneration are important for every state, since cogeneration of heat and electric energy significantly lowers consumption of fuel (approx. for 1/3) compared to thermal power stations. CO2 emissions are lower and the overall energy efficiency is higher. Large devices have been used in practice for a while, however, micro-cogeneration devices (up to 50kW), which are also intended for households and small business units, are becoming increasingly popular.

Ekovit-Toplotne črpalke za stanovanjsko rabo, industrijske toplotne črpalke, kogeneracijske naprave, klimatske naprave-Ekowatt_logo_zelena

Cogeneration of electric and heat energy represents a great opportunity for entrepreneurs who are already making good use of it abroad. Not only for the production for their own needs, but also for the production for other consumers. In foreign countries, companies are building cogeneration facilities and later sell energy to other companies, hospitals and consumers.

Before investing, it is important that the investor produces energy for a known consumer or that it has a contract concluded with a consumer of this energy. Depending on the type of the cogeneration device and the fuel it uses, it takes approx. 2-5 years to recover the investment. Potentials lie in paper industry, petro chemistry, car, food, textile and wood industry, production of ceramics, brick and clay products. It can also be used in the services sector, especially in hospitals, hotels and sports centres.


A user, who decides to make use of cogeneration, is expected to continue using the same amounts of energy, however, he will achieve economic savings, since higher efficiency results in lower costs of cogeneration compared to conventional technology. Savings depend on the ratio between the price of electric energy and the price of the fuel used in cogeneration. The larger the difference between these prices, the larger the savings and the shorter investment recovery time. In most cases of cogeneration installations, energy savings stand between 20 and 30%.
Most of production processes also require reliable power supply. Cogeneration guarantees reliability and delivers other savings which are more difficult to evaluate in economic terms. Savings can be demonstrated most easily on an example (valid for data from 2014!). If 30,000 m3 of gas is required to heat a building, the costs amount to approx. 16,500 EUR. Cogeneration device would in the same case generate 75,000 kWh of electric energy for which the state would pay approx. 17,500 EUR. This actually means that the building would be heated for free.
For installation of a modern high efficiency micro-cogeneration device with the rated power of up to 50 kW, investors are eligible to receive favourable loans by the Eco fund.

Browse through the EKOWATT catalogue

Technical data EKOWATT – gas

Heat output13kW
Fuel consumption1,9m3/h
El. efficiency27 %
Total efficiency>90%
Max. water temp.70°C
Max. water press.3Bar
Dimensions (WxHxL)900x1100x1200mm
Connection dimensions1”
Power supply connection400/50V/Hz
Supply power16AA

Heat output18kW
Fuel consumption2,8m3/h
El. efficiency30 %
Total efficiency>90%
Max. water temp.80°C
Max. water press.3Bar
Dimensions (WxHxL)900x1000x1200mm
Connection dimensions1”
Power supply connection400/50V/Hz
Supply power25AA

Heat output36kW
Fuel consumption5,7m3/h
El. efficiency31 %
Total efficiency>90%
Max. water temp.80°C
Max. water press.3Bar
Dimensions (WxHxL)1000x1200x1500mm
Connection dimensions5/4”
Power supply connection400/50V/Hz
Supply power50AA

Heat output59kW
Fuel consumption9,3m3/h
El. efficiency32 %
Total efficiency>90%
Max. water temp.80°C
Max. water press.3Bar
Dimensions (WxHxL)1100x1300x1800mm
Connection dimensions6/4”
Power supply connection400/50V/Hz
Supply power80AA

Technical data EKOWATT – diesel

Heat output13kW
Heat output of fuel22kW
Fuel consumption2,2l/h
El. efficiency31 %
Total efficiency>85%
Max. water temp.70°C
Max. water temp.80°C
Max. water press.3Bar
Dimensions (WxHxL)850x950x1000mm
Connection dimensions – heating3/4”
Connection dimensions – fuel10mm
Nominal water flow1,2m3/h
Power supply connection400/50V/Hz
Supply power3x11AA
Power cable5×4,0mm2
Electrical protection3xD20A (25 A)A

Heat output26kW
Heat output of fuel45kW
Fuel consumption4,5l/h
El. efficiency333 %
Total efficiency>85%
Max. water temp.70°C
Max. water temp.80°C
Max. water press.3Bar
Dimensions (WxHxL)900x1150x1400mm
Connection dimensions – heating1”
Connection dimensions – fuel12mm
Nominal water flow2,5m3/h
Power supply connection400/50V/Hz
Supply power3x23AA
Power cable5×6,0mm2
Electrical protection3xD32A (50A)A

Heat output36kW
Heat output of fuel65kW
Fuel consumption6,5l/h
El. efficiency34 %
Total efficiency>85%
Max. water temp.70°C
Max. water temp.80°C
Max. water press.3Bar
Dimensions (WxHxL)900x1150x1400mm
Connection dimensions – heating1”
Connection dimensions – fuel12mm
Nominal water flow3,7m3/h
Power supply connection400/50V/Hz
Supply power3x34AA
Power cable5×10,0mm2
Electrical protection3xD50A (63A)A

Heat output54kW
Heat output of fuel93kW
Fuel consumption9,3l/h
El. efficiency32 %
Total efficiency>85%
Max. water temp.70°C
Max. water temp.80°C
Max. water press.3Bar
Dimensions (WxHxL)1000x1250x1700mm
Connection dimensions – heating5/4”
Connection dimensions – fuel15mm
Nominal water flow5m3/h
Power supply connection400/50V/Hz
Supply power3x47AA
Power cable5×16mm2
Electrical protection3xD63A (80A)A

Heat output70kW
Heat output of fuel133kW
Fuel consumption13,3l/h
El. efficiency34 %
Total efficiency>85%
Max. water temp.70°C
Max. water temp.80°C
Max. water press.3Bar
Dimensions (WxHxL)1000x1250x1700mm
Connection dimensions – heating5/4”
Connection dimensions – fuel15mm
Nominal water flow8m3/h
Power supply connection400/50V/Hz
Supply power3x78AA
Power cable5×35mm2
Electrical protection3xD63A (80A)A

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