Ecoterm F and M heat pumps


ECOTERM F devices can be used in all applications of heating or cooling of rooms and water or in technological processes. Design of the ECOTERM F system always makes optimal use of free energy from the environment which it turns into energy for the needs of your heating or cooling system.

The inverter controlled compressor in the external unit allows you to adapt heating or cooling to your actual needs. The installed regulator allows you to control the power of the external unit according to the set temperature and all internal and external factors (sunlight, number of people in the building, etc.). In practice, this brings greater comfort for the user and up to 30% energy savings.

Ekovit-Toplotne črpalke za stanovanjsko rabo, industrijske toplotne črpalke, kogeneracijske naprave, klimatske naprave-notranja enota ECOTERM F Ekovit

ECOTERM F internal unit

  • Control via computer or smart phone
  • Online supervision
  • Control of the direct and mixing heating circuit according to the external temperature
  • Boiler heating
  • Control of the additional heating source (boiler or installer el. heater)
  • Discreet design
Ekovit-Toplotne črpalke za stanovanjsko rabo, industrijske toplotne črpalke, kogeneracijske naprave, klimatske naprave-zunanja enota ECOTERM F Ekovit

ECOTERM F external unit

– Fujitsu external unit
– Inverter technology
– Water max. temp. up to 60/55°C
– Cooling
– High efficiency – SCOP up to 4.2

ECOTERM F heat pumps and cooling systems always come in combination with the Fujitsu inverter external unit. There are two different regulators and a water unit available. If required, we can complement the system with a vaporizer or domestic water boiler.

Browse through the ECOTERM F and M catalogue

Ekovit-Toplotne črpalke za stanovanjsko rabo, industrijske toplotne črpalke, kogeneracijske naprave, klimatske naprave-eco-logo

Ecological and sustainable

Functioning of the ECOTERM heat pump is based on the use of free energy sources from your environment:

Ekovit-Toplotne črpalke za stanovanjsko rabo, industrijske toplotne črpalke, kogeneracijske naprave, klimatske naprave-ucinkovita-logo


ECOTERM heat pump is based on the state-of-the-art technology and ensures high efficiency and long service life.

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Minimalistic design of the ECOTERM heat pump includes top-class components made by renowned European manufacturers. Minimum number of defrosting cycles ensures highly efficient and stable operation even under the most difficult operating conditions.

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Option to combine different heating sources helped us achieve optimum efficiency of the system throughout the heating season. The unique hybrid system which utilizes heat from the ground is also appropriate for existing buildings with landscaped surrounding areas.

Edinstveno udobje

Odločitev za toplotno črpalko ECOTERM pomeni bistveno višje bivanjsko udobje. Ne le zato, ker se izognete naročanju kuriva in čiščenju dimnika, pač pa predvsem zaradi ugodnejšega temperaturnega režima ogrevanja. S tem dosežemo enakomernejšo časovno in prostorsko razporeditev temperature v prostoru, ki je bliže idealni razporeditvi kot v primeru ogrevanja z običajnimi pečmi. V toplotni črpalki ECOTERM je za maksimalno udobje in učinkovitost ogrevalnega sistema integrirana kompletna avtomatizacija ogrevalnega procesa.
Ekovit-Toplotne črpalke za stanovanjsko rabo, industrijske toplotne črpalke, kogeneracijske naprave, klimatske naprave-Ekoterm_logo_zelena
Inovativen pristop ter uporaba edinstvene tehnologije v svetu toplotnih črpalk omogočata vrsto uporabnih prednosti, ki jih nudi toplotna črpalka ECOTERM. Sestavljena je izključno iz vrhunskih materialov in komponent priznanih slovenskih in evropskih proizvajalcev. ECOTERM je univerzalna toplotna črpalka za koriščenje različnih virov toplote – iz zraka, zemlje, vode, sonca, ali odpadne toplote.
Na tej osnovi smo za vas razvili hibridno toplotno črpalko, ki omogoča koriščenje več vrst toplotnih virov hkrati, kar pomeni, da lahko toplotna črpalka izbira med dvema toplotnima viroma in izbere tistega, ki je v danem trenutku najbolj ekonomičen. Z zunanjo enoto toplotne črpalke ECOTERM smo dosegli izredno tiho, skoraj neslišno delovanje, diskreten dizajn pa omogoča nemotečo postavitev v okolico.


V minimalističen tehnični dizajn toplotne črpalke ECOTERM so vključeni vrhunski materiali in komponente priznanih slovenskih in evropskih proizvajalcev. Povezava inovativnega pristopa z uporabo edinstvene tehnologije iz sveta toplotnih črpalk omogoča vrsto uporabnih prednosti. Najpomembnejši med njimi sta stabilno in dolgoletno zanesljivo delovanje, ter seveda zadovoljstvo uporabnikov. Zaradi tehničnih rešitev, ki smo jih uporabili pri snovanju, so toplotne črpalke ECOTERM zelo podobne toplotnim črpalkam zemlja-voda. Tako smo ob zelo visokih zmogljivostih dosegli tudi zanesljivo delovanje z najmanjšimi mogočimi obremenitvami za kompresor in ostale dele ter posledično dolgo življenjsko dobo naprave. Minimalno število odtaljevalnih ciklov, tudi do 30-krat manj od konkurenčnih izdelkov, omogoča visoko Žučinkovito ter posledično tudi zelo stabilno delovanje tudi v najtežjih obratovalnih pogojih. Vitalni deli toplotne črpalke, kot so kompresor, uparjalnik in kondenzator ter vodni del so v tehničnem prostoru, kar pomeni večjo učinkovitost celotnega sistema, daljša življenjska doba, predvsem pa smo se s tem izognili nevarnosti zmrzali vodnega izmenjevalca.

Browse through the ECOTERM F and M catalogue

Ekovit-Toplotne črpalke za stanovanjsko rabo, industrijske toplotne črpalke, kogeneracijske naprave, klimatske naprave-zanesljivo-bg

Technical data for ECOTERM F heating heat pumps

Heat output at A2/W354,95kW
Power at A2/W351,53 kW
COP according to EN14511 at A2/W353,24
Energy class (35°C / 35°C)A+ +/ A+
SCOP (35°C / 55°C)169/ 115%
Annual consumption (35°C / 55°C)2505/ 3180kWh
Noise level (35°C / 55°C)63/ 65dB
El. current ZE16A
Electrical protection ZE2,1m3/h
Ex. unit dimensions HxWxD620 x 790 x290mm
Ex. unit weight41kg
Operating range-25 do 35C
Voltage NE1F / 230 V / 50 Hz
El. current NE13,5A
Electrical protection NE16A
In. unit dimensions HxWxD700 x 634 x 312mm
In. unit weight53kg

Heat output at A2/W355,65kW
Power at A2/W351,78kW
COP according to EN14511 at A2/W353,17
Energy class (35°C / 35°C)A+ +/ A+
SCOP (35°C / 55°C)156/ 118%
Annual consumption (35°C / 55°C)3375/ 3886kWh
Noise level (35°C / 55°C)69 / 65dB
Voltage1F / 230 V / 50 Hz A
El. current ZE17,5A
Electrical protection ZE20m3/h
Ex. unit dimensions HxWxD620 x 790 x290mm
Ex. unit weight41kg
Operating range-25 do 35C
Voltage NE1F / 230 V / 50 Hz
El. current NE13,5A
Electrical protection NE16A
In. unit dimensions HxWxD700 x 634 x 312mm
In. unit weight53kg

Heat output at A2/W357,70kW
Power at A2/W352,47kW
COP according to EN14511 at A2/W353,12
Energy class (35°C / 35°C)A+ +/ A+
SCOP (35°C / 55°C)155/ 113%
Annual consumption (35°C / 55°C)4415/ 5415kWh
Noise level (35°C / 55°C)69 / 68dB
Voltage1F / 230 V / 50 Hz A
El. current ZE18,5A
Electrical protection ZE20m3/h
Ex. unit dimensions HxWxD830 x 900 x 330mm
Ex. unit weight42kg
Operating range-25 do 35C
Voltage NE3F / 400 V / 50Hz
El. current NE9A
Electrical protection NEvarovanje NE10A
In. unit dimensions HxWxD700 x 634 x 312mm
In. unit weight53kg

Heat output at A2/W3510,77kW
Power at A2/W353,44kW
COP according to EN14511 at A2/W353,13
Energy class (35°C / 35°C)A+ +/ A+
SCOP (35°C / 55°C)151/ 109%
Annual consumption (35°C / 55°C)6062/ 6842kWh
Noise level (35°C / 55°C)68 / 68dB
Voltage3F / 400 V / 50HzA
El. current ZE8,5A
Electrical protection ZE16m3/h
Ex. unit dimensions HxWxD1290 x 900 x 330mm
Ex. unit weight92kg
Operating range-25 do 35C
Voltage NE3F / 400 V / 50Hz
El. current NE9A
Electrical protection NE10A
In. unit dimensions HxWxD700 x 634 x 312mm
In. unit weight53kg

Heat output at A2/W3512,0kW
Power at A2/W353,87kW
COP according to EN14511 at A2/W353,10
Energy class (35°C / 35°C)A+ / A+
SCOP (35°C / 55°C)148/ 113%
Annual consumption (35°C / 55°C)6824/ 8041kWh
Noise level (35°C / 55°C)69 / 69dB
Voltage3F / 400 V / 50HzA
El. current ZE10A
Electrical protection ZE16m3/h
Ex. unit dimensions HxWxD1290 x 900 x 330mm
Ex. unit weight92kg
Operating range-25 do 35C
Voltage NE3F / 400 V / 50Hz
El. current NE9A
Electrical protection NE10A
In. unit dimensions HxWxD700 x 634 x 312mm
In. unit weight53kg

Heat output at A2/W3510,77kW
Power at A2/W353,4kW
COP according to EN14511 at A2/W353,17
Energy class (35°C / 35°C)A++ / A+
SCOP (35°C / 55°C)154/ 112%
Annual consumption (35°C / 55°C)5930/ 6669kWh
Noise level (35°C / 55°C)68 / 69dB
Voltage3F / 400 V / 50HzA
El. current ZE8,5A
Electrical protection ZE16m3/h
Ex. unit dimensions HxWxD1290 x 900 x 330mm
Ex. unit weight99kg
Operating range-25 do 35C
Voltage NE3F / 400 V / 50Hz
El. current NE9A
Electrical protection NE10A
In. unit dimensions HxWxD700 x 634 x 312mm
In. unit weight53kg

Heat output at A2/W3513,50kW
Power at A2/W354,34kW
COP according to EN14511 at A2/W353,11
Energy class (35°C / 35°C)A+ / A+
SCOP (35°C / 55°C)149/ 117%
Annual consumption (35°C / 55°C)7408/ 9062kWh
Noise level (35°C / 55°C)71 / 71dB
Voltage3F / 400 V / 50HzA
El. current ZE10,5A
Electrical protection ZE16m3/h
Ex. unit dimensions HxWxD1290 x 900 x 330mm
Ex. unit weight99kg
Operating range-25 do 35C
Voltage NE3F / 400 V / 50Hz
El. current NE9A
Electrical protection NE10A
In. unit dimensions HxWxD700 x 634 x 312mm
In. unit weight53kg

Domestic water heat pump – immersion condenser

Flange (Ø)180mm
Exchanger surface1,1 m2
Installation depth370mm
Recommended boiler500l

Flange (Ø)180mm
Exchanger surface1,4 m2
Installation depth440mm
Recommended boiler750l

Flange (Ø)240mm
Exchanger surface1,8 m2
Installation depth450mm
Recommended boiler1000l

Flange (Ø)240mm
Exchanger surface2,3m2
Installation depth450mm
Recommended boiler1250l

Flange (Ø)240mm
Exchanger surface3,6m2
Installation depth650mm
Recommended boiler1500l

Flange (Ø)240mm
Exchanger surface3,6m2
Installation depth650mm
Recommended boiler2000l

Flange (Ø)240mm
Exchanger surface3,6m2
Installation depth650mm
Recommended boiler2000l


4 SW-1F6 SW-1F8 SW-1F10 SW-1F12 SW-3F14 SW-3F16 SW-3F
Heat outputkW4,1681011,21416
Cooling outputkW3,55,26,88,51012,514
PowerkW1,11,652,252,72,9 3,584,43
SCOP4,14,243,943,5 3,21
Sound power level (H/O)61/6362/6567/7068/6967/69npnp
Sound pressure level (H/O)47/4850/5052/5353/5551/5354/5455/56
Dimensions H x W x Dmm578 x 790 x 300578 x 790 x 300578 x 790 x 315830 x 900 x
1290 x 900 x 3301290 x 900 x 3301290 x 900 x 330
Connections (fluid/gas)6,35/9,526,35/12,76,35/15,889,52/15,889,52/15,889,52/15,889,52/15,88
Heating rangeC-15 do 24-15 do 24-15 do 24-15 do 24-15 do 24-15 do 24-15 do 24
Cooling rangeC-10 do 46-10 do 46-10 do 46-10 do 46-10 do 46-10 do 46-10 do 46
Gas volumeg1150125017002100345034503450
El. currentA1012,513,5178,58,99,9
Annual consumption – coolingkWh/a198293384504npnpnp
Annual consumption – heatingkWh/a1431173120982868npnpnp

4 KL-1F6 KL-1F8 KL-1F10 KL-1F12 KL-314 KL-3F16 KL-3F
Heat outputkW4,1681011,21416
Cooling outputkW3,55,26,88,51012,514
PowerkW1,11,652,252,72,9 3,584,43
SCOP4,14,243,943,5 3,21
Sound power level (H/O)61/6362/6567/7068/6967/69npnp
Sound pressure level (H/O)47/4850/5052/5353/5551/5354/5455/56
Dimensions H x W x Dmm578 x 790 x 300578 x 790 x 300578 x 790 x 315830 x 900 x
1290 x 900 x 3301290 x 900 x 3301290 x 900 x 330
Connections (fluid/gas)6,35/9,526,35/12,76,35/15,889,52/15,889,52/15,889,52/15,889,52/15,88
Heating rangeC-15 do 24-15 do 24-15 do 24-15 do 24-15 do 24-15 do 24-15 do 24
Cooling rangeC-10 do 46-10 do 46-10 do 46-10 do 46-10 do 46-10 do 46-10 do 46
Gas volumeg1150125017002100345034503450
El currentA1012,513,5178,58,99,9
Annual consumption – coolingkWh/a198293384504npnpnp
Annual consumption – heatingkWh/a1431173120982868npnpnp

4 WK-1F6 WK-1F8 WK-1F10 WK-1F12 WK-3F14 WK-3F16 WK-3F
Heat outputkW4,1681011,21416
Cooling outputkW3,55,26,88,51012,514
PowerkW1,11,652,252,72,9 3,584,43
SCOP4,14,243,943,5 3,21
Sound power level (H/O)61/6362/6567/7068/6967/69npnp
Sound pressure level (H/O)47/4850/5052/5353/5551/5354/5455/56
Dimensions H x W x Dmm578 x 790 x 300578 x 790 x 300578 x 790 x 315830 x 900 x
1290 x 900 x 3301290 x 900 x 3301290 x 900 x 330
Connections (fluid/gas)6,35/9,526,35/12,76,35/15,889,52/15,889,52/15,889,52/15,889,52/15,88
Heating rangeC-15 do 24-15 do 24-15 do 24-15 do 24-15 do 24-15 do 24-15 do 24
Cooling rangeC-10 do 46-10 do 46-10 do 46-10 do 46-10 do 46-10 do 46-10 do 46
Gas volumeg1150125017002100345034503450
El currentA1012,513,5178,58,99,9
Annual consumption – coolingkWh/a198293384504npnpnp
Annual consumption – heatingkWh/a1431173120982868npnpnp

4 WK-1F6 WK-1F8 WK-1F 10 WK-1F12 WK-3F14 WK-3F16 WK-3F
Heat outputkW4,1681011,21416
Cooling outputkW3,55,26,88,51012,514
PowerkW1,11,652,252,72,9 3,584,43
SCOP4,14,243,943,5 3,21
Sound power level (H/O)61/6362/6567/7068/6967/69npnp
Sound pressure level (H/O)47/4850/5052/5353/5551/5354/5455/56
Dimensions H x W x Dmm578 x 790 x 300578 x 790 x 300578 x 790 x 315830 x 900 x
1290 x 900 x 3301290 x 900 x 3301290 x 900 x 330
Connections (fluid/gas)6,35/9,526,35/12,76,35/15,889,52/15,889,52/15,889,52/15,889,52/15,88
Heating rangeC-15 do 24-15 do 24-15 do 24-15 do 24-15 do 24-15 do 24-15 do 24
Cooling rangeC-10 do 46-10 do 46-10 do 46-10 do 46-10 do 46-10 do 46-10 do 46
Gas volumeg1150125017002100345034503450
El currentA1012,513,5178,58,99,9
Annual consumption – coolingkWh/a198293384504npnpnp
Annual consumption – heatingkWh/a1431173120982868npnpnp

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INTERNAL UNITInternal unit without water heaterInternal unit with water heater





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