About the Company

Ekovit d.o.o. has 14 years of experience and practical skills, employs professionally qualified personnel and operates in the field of energy systems, cogeneration devices, ventilation systems, heat pump, biomass and solar system heating with an emphasis on photovoltaics and solar energy storage. We offer our clients and business partners refined, technically demanding and economically justified solutions in the field of energetics.

Our sales program includes equipment manufactured by renowned European and worldwide manufacturers and products from our own production because we have allocated enormous amounts of effort and funds to the development of our own products over the last years. The most important products from our production line are Ekowatt cogeneration devices and Ecoterm hybrid heat pumps. We also offer our business partners special products, such as exhaust gas heat exchangers for cooling of engines or machinery and other cooling in industrial processes. We also offer and develop control systems for various heating systems, energy monitoring, storage and use of solar energy, etc.

For more than a decade, Ekovit d.o.o. has been successfully operating in the local market and abroad and has also established a representative office in Germany. In the future, the company aims to expand its operations into the markets of other EU member states.


Our efforts to achieve customer satisfaction and good business performance are based on high quality, technological sophistication and adaptation to individual user requirements. Continuous training of our personnel represents the basis of our development because we are constantly monitoring the developments in our industry on the global market, improving it and upgrading it with an emphasis on quality.

We would like to use our knowledge and services in order to satisfy our clients and the final consumer. We shall demand constant improvement and top product quality from our suppliers and strive to achieve optimal delivery dates and favourable prices through our modern operative organization.

We wish to establish ourselves in the European market and become renowned among similar companies by following values, such as:

- Quality,
- Reliability,
- Efficiency,
- Adaptability,
- Integrity, and
- Environmental responsibility.


The vision of Ekovit d.o.o. is to become one of the supreme providers of special products and services for the industry and service sector.

We would like to develop as a flexible and reliable business partner and provide the market with high-quality and technologically advanced products, intermediate products and services for the industry and service sector in the field of energetics and renewable energy sources.

With our development team and in collaboration with our business partners we would like to develop competitive and modern products and intermediate products and to jointly penetrate new markets.

In the future, we shall also be open to market innovations and business opportunities, and to cooperation and interconnection with research and development institutions or partners.


Danijel Čemas, M. Sc.

He studied at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics in Ljubljana and successfully completed his Master’s Degree. Initially he worked in the field of environmental protection. Today, he has more than 10 years of experience planning heating systems and developing own products in the field of renewable energy sources.


Within the company, he also acts as an expert for implementation, professional supervision and servicing of systems in the field of renewable energy sources. He is involved in all key stages, especially in testing of new products from our own production line.

Jernej Čemas

He is a professional in the field of mechanical engineering, photography and design. He has been an essential part of the development team for several years, and it is impossible to imagine how our products would be designed and manufactured without him.

Ekovit-Toplotne črpalke za stanovanjsko rabo, industrijske toplotne črpalke, kogeneracijske naprave, klimatske naprave-eco-logo

Ekološka in trajnostna

Toplotna črpalka ECOTERM za delovanje koristi brezplačne vire energije iz vaše okolice:
Ekovit-Toplotne črpalke za stanovanjsko rabo, industrijske toplotne črpalke, kogeneracijske naprave, klimatske naprave-ucinkovita-logo


Toplotna črpalka ECOTERM temelji na najnovejši tehnologiji z visokim izkoristkom in dolgo življenjsko dobo.
Ekovit-Toplotne črpalke za stanovanjsko rabo, industrijske toplotne črpalke, kogeneracijske naprave, klimatske naprave-zanesljiva-logo


V minimalističen dizajn toplotne črpalke ECOTERM vključuje vrhunski komponente priznanih evropskih proizvajalcev. Minimalno število odtaljevalnih ciklov, omogoča visoko učinkovito in stabilno delovanje tudi v najtežjih obratovalnih pogojih.
Ekovit-Toplotne črpalke za stanovanjsko rabo, industrijske toplotne črpalke, kogeneracijske naprave, klimatske naprave-najboljsa-logo

preprosto najboljša

Z možnostjo kombinacije različnih toplotnih virov smo dosegli optimalni izkoristek sistema skozi celotno kurilno sezono. Edinstveni hibridni sistem koriščenja toplote zemlje je primeren tudi za obstoječe objekte z urejeno okolico.