
Our services cover the entire engineering process

Ekovit-Toplotne črpalke za stanovanjsko rabo, industrijske toplotne črpalke, kogeneracijske naprave, klimatske naprave-slika-storitve


Before making an investment, we recommend you to make an evaluation of thermal characteristics of the building, inspect the existing/new heating system, review all possible heating methods and use of renewable heating sources, and to make a plan of all modifications and the cost estimate for the investment.

Our company is committed to most rational or economically justified solutions.

We will only recommend you to make the investment if you will be able to recover it before the end of the lifetime of the investment.

Ekovit-Toplotne črpalke za stanovanjsko rabo, industrijske toplotne črpalke, kogeneracijske naprave, klimatske naprave-ekovit_logo_pozitiv

We offer:

  • Calculation of energy losses of the building

  • Review of possible energy sources

  • Price comparison for investments for the use of potential energy sources

  • Comparison of different types of heating devices in the building

  • Cost and energy efficiency

  • Proposal of the solution for existing and new buildings

  • Professional (investment) and energetic (operating costs) optimization of the system for the client which covers the selection of the most economic energy products, heating devices and regulation of the heating system according to client requirements


Your investment in our products can partly be covered with a favourable “eco loan” provided by the Environmental Protection Development Fund of Slovenia or with grants provided by the country for the promotion of investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy resources for households and companies.

We also help all clients, who entrusted us with the execution of heating or cooling systems, with the preparation of documentation for the approval of grants and the eco loan if this is possible for the heating system selected.

Ekovit-Toplotne črpalke za stanovanjsko rabo, industrijske toplotne črpalke, kogeneracijske naprave, klimatske naprave-eko-sklad-logo


In collaboration with our business partners we provide all necessary plumbing services. We offer various types of heating devices, from underfloor and wall heating systems to radiators and ventilation convectors.

If you engage you own service providers, we shall arrange a meeting with them and provide them with hydraulic and electric charts, since this is the only way to ensure best solutions.

After all plumbing is completed, we put the entire technological system in operation in order to ensure interoperability of all system components. Our service includes the commissioning of the entire system and setting of parameters for optimal use of energy and best living conditions.


We are aware that, besides quality products, fast and efficient service represents one of the most important advantages we can offer to our clients, which is why we have organized a service centre which provides servicing for all our products.

We provide 12 or 24-month warranty for all our products. In special cases, we also provide extended warranty which can be obtained for additional payment. Warranty on accessories is provided by manufacturers of such accessories. We support our clients with preventive maintenance in order to prevent malfunctioning of our devices as much as possible, and provide online control of devices and extended warranty for our products. In case of large systems, we also provide contractor maintenance of devices.

Ekovit-Toplotne črpalke za stanovanjsko rabo, industrijske toplotne črpalke, kogeneracijske naprave, klimatske naprave-ekovit-garancija
Ekovit-Toplotne črpalke za stanovanjsko rabo, industrijske toplotne črpalke, kogeneracijske naprave, klimatske naprave-eco-logo

Ökologischen und nachhaltigen

ECOTERM ist eine universelle Wärmepumpe für die Nutzung verschiedener Wärmequellen - Luft, Erde, Wasser, Sonne, Abwärme ...

Ekovit-Toplotne črpalke za stanovanjsko rabo, industrijske toplotne črpalke, kogeneracijske naprave, klimatske naprave-ucinkovita-logo

Einzigartiger Komfort

Die Entscheidung für die ECOTERM-Wärmepumpe
bedeutet eine bedeutend höhere Lebensqualität. Sie ersparen sich nicht nur das aufwändige Bestellen von Heizöl und das Säubern des Schornsteins. Unsere Kunden bezeugen uns immer wieder: Die bequeme ECOTERM- Eigenautomatik hat ihre Lebensqualität eindeutig verbessert.

Ekovit-Toplotne črpalke za stanovanjsko rabo, industrijske toplotne črpalke, kogeneracijske naprave, klimatske naprave-zanesljiva-logo


Die Entwicklung der ECOTERM-Wärmepumpe basiert auf den technischen Anforderungen von Erde- Wasser-Wärmepumpen. Das ermöglicht ihren zuverlässigen Antrieb: Die effiziente Heizleistung und den minimalen Aufwand für die eingebundenen Bauteile. So erreichen wir die lange Lebensdauervon ECOTERM.

Ekovit-Toplotne črpalke za stanovanjsko rabo, industrijske toplotne črpalke, kogeneracijske naprave, klimatske naprave-najboljsa-logo

Einfach das Beste

ECOTERM ist eine universelle Wärmepumpe für die Nutzung verschiedener Wärmequellen - aus Luft, Erde, Wasser, Sonne, Abluft... Durch das Außengerät, mit dem wir die Wärme der Aussenluft nutzen, erreichen wir den außergewöhnlich
ruhigen, nahezu geräuschlosen Antrieb unserer ECOTERM-
verbessert. Wärmepumpe. Das diskrete Design ermöglicht zudem
eine harmonische Eingliederung in das Ambiente.


In collaboration with our business partners we provide all necessary plumbing services. We offer various types of heating devices, from underfloor and wall heating systems to radiators and ventilation convectors.

If you engage you own service providers, we shall arrange a meeting with them and provide them with hydraulic and electric charts, since this is the only way to ensure best solutions.

After all plumbing is completed, we put the entire technological system in operation in order to ensure interoperability of all system components. Our service includes the commissioning of the entire system and setting of parameters for optimal use of energy and best living conditions.